Wellness Program without Dewormer
Please contact our office for current pricing
Usual savings per year are $250- $400
The program includes 2 visits a year, a thorough Annual physical exam, a complete blood panel (CBC and Chemistry), a Nutritional analysis,and an Acupuncture evaluation. Twice a year Flu-Rhino vaccinations, Once yearly West Nile virus, Encephalities (Eastern and Western) and Tetanus. Once yearly complete dental and for Geldings a once a year sheath cleaning. The higher prices are for horses that have not had dentistry with Dr. Grim in at least 16 month.

Preventative health care including exams, deworming, vaccination and regular dentistry is an important part of keeping your horse healthy. A thorough physical examination and nutritional analysis add more information to help prevent further health issues. By signing up for the wellness program and paying in advance you receive substantial discounts, the ability to budget ahead and peace of mind knowing that all your horses' regular health care needs are being taken care of. A thorough examination of all systems of your horse include: Heart, lungs, digestive tract, Eyes, dental, musculoskeletal and this year we've added an acupuncture evaluation.
You will also receive 5% off all medications purchased during the year!
To sign up for this service please call our office at 760-634-2144 or email us at
Lisa A. Grim, DVM
Since the Wellness special prices are meant specifically to allow us to take advantage of volume discounts at the beginning of the year, these prices will only be available until February 15th. Sometimes we are asked to extend these prices further in the year for those that have new horses. To honor those individuals that made the commitment earlier in the year, and to account for our increased costs, you will need to contact our office to check on additional pricing.
Wellness Program with Dewormer and Fecals
Add a yearly worming plan with fecal test
This program includes the same as above and in addition a fecal exam and 3 dewormers.
Please contact our office for current pricing